Here we are after a while. It has been a hard time for everyone but at the same time, it has been valuable for us because at SAK, we have changed.
On our journey, we have learned about the impact tourism has on our region and that Tourism is a key factor to address this problem collectively by creating a positive impact raising awareness and commitment. We are not a traditional company anymore, we changed and the triple bottom line is our framework nowadays. The best part is how we did it. This change is real and you can see it and feel it. At SAK, every member of our staff feels different.
We first wondered which of The Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the UN addressed us personally and as a team. The answer to this question led us to choose goal number six: CLEAR WATER AND SANITATION. This objective is now part of our organizational structure. Mendoza is a desert and water is a strategic resource for the province’s development. With this decision, we commit to taking care of water by not polluting it and by promoting its responsible use in every activity we propose. From this moment on, we started making real and significant changes. When working on them, we sought professional assistance because we strongly believe this is a serious matter.

Today we are working on two important work areas along the key actors in our value chain. The first one is what we call ACTION and it involves all the changes we have introduced and adopted at SAK in every experience we organize. For example, on our tours to the mountain, we try to reduce the spread of Didymo, an exotic invasive species that colonizes aquatic environments and alters biodiversity. We also assume total responsibility for the plastic we generate as part of the same course of action.
The second important work area is what we call COHERENCE. We believe this transformation starts at home and in our offices. At SAK, we sort garbage and we recycle it, we control and fix water leaks and we use posters on the walls that constantly remind us of our purpose.
Today we are part of a sustainable community which considers our desire to move as a connection to a different way to see the world. We are aware that Sustainability is the unavoidable step for the future of tourism in which travellers will be more and more conscious and responsible for their choices. We are waiting for you here in Mendoza.