General Conditions for the contracting of Tourist Services 

Sak Wine & Travel EVT – Legajo 14434/Disp. 241-2010 explicitly states:

Any person contracting any of the services whose technical organization has been carried out by Sak Wine & Travel fully accepts these general conditions, which shall be considered automatically incorporated into the contract without the need for written transcription of the same in the contract.    

Jurisdictional Regulation

The contractual relationship between the Organizing Agency and the client shall be governed by Law 19918 of the International Convention on Travel Contracts – written on the website 


Rates will be expressed in Argentine pesos (AR$) or US dollars (USD). They include the items detailed as “included” in the Booking Form and in the Client’s Itinerary. They do not include visas, airport or other taxes, vaccination certificates, or any other service not specified as “included”.

In case the payment is in USD, the exchange rate will be the one in force in the website of the Banco de la Nación under the heading “banknote quotation”, i.e. banknote quotation.

The rates shall be valid for the time specified in each case. Once this time has elapsed, they will not be valid. They are subject to variation without prior notice, when the variation in the costs of the services justify such variation. In addition, any variation of the rates could lead to a revision of the final quotation of a service. These variations will be notified to the customer who will have the option to accept the new contract conditions or to request the cancellation of his travel contract.  

It will not be possible to modify the rates after 30 days prior to the date of the service, when a service request has already been confirmed.


You can make your reservations through any of the following means:

  • Headquarters: Sobremonte 247, Mendoza (5500).
  • Sales On-Call WhatsApp: +5492617159303
  • Operational On-Call Phone/WhatsApp: +5492612051953
  • E-mail:
  • Office hours: 09:00 am to 05:00 pm
  • Days: Monday to Friday

Commencement of Contract

The binding contract between SAK Wine & Travel and the Client starts from the date on which SAK Travel & Wine actually receives the Reservation Form with the complete personal data of the client by mail and the Initial Deposit of the service to be contracted. Its amount may not be less than 50% of the total value of the same, unless for some special reason an additional amount is required. 

From the moment the binding contract between SAK Wine & Travel comes into existence, the client accepts in its entirety the general terms and conditions described herein. The contract is binding between Sak Wine & Travel and all customers listed on the Booking Form. The person signing / submitting the Booking Form warrants that he/she has full authority to represent any other person whose name appears on the Booking Form and confirms that all such persons acknowledge and accept these conditions. In this way the Confirmation of Service will be complete.

Air or Ground Transportation

Although the contracting of air or ground transportation was made through SAK Wine & Travel Agency, the use of the same by the clients implies a direct relationship between the clients and such transportation companies. Therefore, SAK Wine & Travel Agency will not be responsible for any inconvenience derived from the services provided by them. Regarding air tickets – once the Initial Deposit is made – reservations are made but tickets are not issued until the full amount of the air tickets price is paid. Only total payment is condition to avoiding any possible increase in ticket fares.

Terms of payment

As mentioned in the previous item, in order for Sak Wine & Travel to confirm the Reservation of a service, a deposit of no less than 50% of the total amount must be made. The balance must be paid to SAK Wine & Travel at least 15 days prior to the date on which the service will be provided.    

If the balance is not paid by that date, SAK Wine & Travel will consider the reservation cancelled by the client. In the case of reservations made less than 15 days prior to the date of departure, the full amount will be demanded without delay. 

Forms and Means of Payment

  • You can choose to pay in Pesos or USD through the following payment methods: 
  • Bank Transfer
  • Bank Deposits
  • Payment Platforms 
  • Cash

Changes by Sak Wine & Travel

While our business policies are aimed at satisfying each of our clients by performing the services foreseen in the binding contract, there may be special circumstances that require us to alter the original Reservation. By entering into this contract, the client accepts that it may be necessary to modify the content of the itinerary due to local situations. SAK Wine & Travel shall have the right to partially or totally modify the itinerary of the contracted services including fares, flights, accommodation or any other services and substitute alternative services of similar value without compensation, whether in money or any other form.   

If Sak Wine & Travel believes it is necessary to make a material modification, it will inform the client as soon as possible of such changes. The customer may choose to a) accept such changes, b) exchange such services for other available services, provided they do not change costs or pay the differences, c) cancel the contracted services. 

Cancellations by Sak Wine & Travel

Sak Wine & Travel has the right to partially or totally cancel the original reservation for reasons beyond the company’s control, such as: No-show of the passengers, any event that threatens personal/group safety and attempts against the normal development of the activity, or due to an act of God. 

In this case the client will not be reimbursed for the fees paid.

Changes by Clients

Changes or modifications to the original reservation cannot be guaranteed as they are subject to availability. Should any passenger wish to change an original Reservation, the passenger who signed the Reservation Form will advise by mail. Any costs arising from such changes will be paid by the Customer.

Cancellations by Customers

Clients may cancel the Reservation at any time, provided that such cancellation is communicated to SAK Wine & Travel by email. From the date of receipt of the cancellation notice, the following charges will apply:

Days prior to Departure – counted from the date of receipt of the Notice.

30 to 15

14 to 7

Charges for Cancellation of Services expressed as a percentage.



In the event that SAK Wine & Travel has made changes to the original Reservation of a contracted service and the Client chooses to cancel it, SAK Wine & Travel shall pay the full amount, provided that the changes have not been caused by acts of God. In such a case, the Client will not receive a refund of the amount paid. 

SAK Wine & Travel is not responsible for any charges in case of a change beyond its control of the departure time or day of a tour, flight or any other means of transportation.

Fortuitous Event here means: “a violent and unexpected event, beyond human will and for this reason unpredictable and of unavoidable consequences”.

Examples: wars, threats of war, riots, civil or industrial disputes, terrorist activities, natural or nuclear disasters, fires or adverse weather conditions. Technical problems or maintenance problems of means of transport, changes resulting from cancellation or rescheduling of flights of an airline, alteration of the airline or type of airship or any other similar event beyond the control of SAK Wine & Travel.

Partial cancellations will be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, and in case of additional charges, they will be charged to the client.

Documents, visas and sanitary requirements

Clients who have purchased any of our Tourist Services and are included in the binding contract are responsible for the authenticity of their documents for entry and free circulation within the country to be visited. Examples of such documents are: identity cards, passports, visas, health documents, etc.

In the event that, due to lack or error of the necessary documents for the trip, a client is delayed, or in case of cancellation or abandonment of the trip partially or totally, SAK Wine & Travel will not be responsible, and there will be no reimbursement.  

Minors under 18 years of age must present a document signed by parents authorizing them to travel.

Illnesses and Disabilities

Once the binding contract between SAK Wine & Travel and the Client has been formalized, the Client must inform SAK Wine & Travel if he/she suffers from any illness or disability or is under treatment for any special physical or medical condition. The Client shall be responsible for all necessary arrangements for the provision of his/her medication or any other treatment that may be necessary during the trip or any of the services included. If for any reason the Client does not inform us of any of these facts, he/she would not be complying with the conditions of the Reservation, which will result in his/her exclusion from the tour, and the loss of any amount paid. 


Medical insurance: SAK Wine & Travel does not provide medical insurance to passengers. For this reason, each Client must contract his/her own medical insurance for the trip.

Personal Accident Insurance: Sak Wine & Travel offers personal accident insurance for all its services.

Our Accident Insurance covers:

Medications, Transfers, First Aid, Burials. 

Responsibilities of Sak Wine & Travel

Sak Wine & Travel, as a Travel and Tourism Agency (EVT Law 18829) based in Mendoza-Argentina, acts in accordance with the regulations in force in Argentina, regulations that gave rise to the Agency. For such reason and in case of inconveniences we will submit it to the court assigned by the Ministry of Tourism of Argentina – the “Ministerio de Turismo de la Nación”.

We have the legal and moral obligation to offer Services that will be in accordance with the real possibilities of realization, with an optimal margin of security and with the seriousness that each one of our Clients deserves, complying with the itineraries that appear in the final contracted Reservations, with the exceptions mentioned in these General Conditions.

SAK Wine & Travel shall not be liable for deliberate actions, omissions or negligence caused by other persons and/or companies (transport, accommodation, suppliers, other services) involved in the actual provision of the Services marketed, nor for those produced by acts of force majeure.

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