Have you ever imagined yourself savoring these wines right there?
Catena Zapata is located in Lujan de Cuyo, Mendoza.
Catena Zapata is one of the most prestigious wineries recognized worldwide. Founded by Nicolás Catena Zapata, it has stood out for its dedication to quality and innovation in the production of premium wines.
Have you ever imagined yourself savoring these wines right there?
Its leadership in researching different altitudes and microclimates in the vineyards has allowed it to produce wines that reflect the diversity and authenticity of the Mendoza region,
elevating Malbec’s worldwide reputation for fine, complex wines.
The iconic building, designed by architect Adrian Varela, combines modern elements with traditional influences. With its multi-level design and stepped terraces, the winery blends harmoniously with Mendoza’s mountainous landscape, completing the unique winery experience.
Enjoy an iconic visit to Catena Zapata on your wine tour!
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